Category: Dedicated Servers

Top Five Shared Web Hosting Provider

Introduction of Web Hosting A web hosting service is an essential internet hosting facility that accommodates individuals and large enterprises so that their websites are accessible to worldwide users via word comprehensive website. Evolution of the Web Hosting Industry A few years ago, there were only very few webs hosting companies targeting the whole internet

Hurray! Unique-Star is Nine Years Old

UniqueStar was initially founded in August 2007 by Mr. Akram who is the principal shareholder. After four years, the company was registered in Pakistan in 2012, with a server, hosting more than 100,000 registered domains as at 2016. There have been a lot of challenges, but due to our vision of rendering the best hosting

UniqueStarhost Launches WordPress Partnership Program

UniqueStar is glad to announce the launching of an innovative program that is designed to support WordPress Plugin Designers.  This announcement was made to promote the discovery and the use of WordPress plugins. The Uniquehost Partnership Program is exclusive, as it offers exclusive support, and provides developers significantly improved exposure through direct referrals. This new

Uniquestar Launches a New Partnership Program with Cloudflare

In our quest to serve you better, Uniquestar is thrilled to announce a new partnership program with Cloudflare. As we all know, Cloudfare is a powered websites that has significant improvement in performance and decreases hacking attacks. UniqueStar and Cloudfare partnership program is a groundbreaker. The benefit derived from this partnership cannot be overemphasized. Below

UniqueStar Has Upgraded All Servers With High Ram, More Processor And Speed

We are extremely glad and pleased to let all our clients know that there’s a new upgrade to our server. We have upgraded our entire server and it is relatively fast now! We are now using high Gig rams, more processors to boost our hosting speed. In the past few years, we have managed to

UniqueStar Has Added a Strong Firewall Server That Blocks Hacker I.P

Yes, as you might have known, we are always dynamic in using the modern best practices of a great hosting company to give you high-quality services. With this in mind, Uniquestar host takes the notion of customer service seriously. In an effort to increase out quality service and customer protection, we are adding a redundancy